
Are we destined to fail?

Why spend money on weed when your lights are off?

Our generation trips me out sometimes. I have just been thinking about the things we do and why we do them. Thinking about myself and my friends, I realize we make the dumbest choices. I know people who will spend their last dime of some damn weed and let their phone get cut off. Will spend money on a bunch of clothes and won't pay their bills. Will spend a check they just got on the club but won't put that money up for a rainy day. I can't really talk because I have the same(not the weed thing) thing but I can be the voice. Our generation is being set up to fail all the time and we keep falling in the traps. Maybe not everywhere but its like that in my surroundings. I know people say why save money if you can't die with it. Well you don't know when you are going to die so why be broke while you are here? Are those rims on you car more important than that college loan you paying? I guess I get mad about it cause I am guilty of doing it as well so after looking at it from another point view I really feel stupid! So I decided I am going to be better with my money...

-Take 10%-15% out of every check.
-Put away money for a retirement fund.(plan on retiring at age 35)
-Pay all bills 1st before buying other things.
-Save up for things (Trip,house etc.)

Hell its a start....


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