
Guess what I did?...

I took the 1st 3 tests of the GED today. Yep me. Say what you wanna but im out to get mine. Its just one extra step I have to take to be on my road to success. I figured you should hear it from my mouth. That's the only one that matter on here right? The 1st 3 were kinda easy the only one im really worried about is the math which I take on wednesday. Some may ask if I am worried about my friends finding out. Nope. My true friend will be happy that I am doing this. My so called friends will talk about me, laugh not care. I rather not have them in my life anyway.


21 snitches!

Photos and details coming...whenever.
Thanks christa and steel for the gifts!


You know those people you see on the side of the highway? The ones with the car is fucked like crazy? Today I was one of those people. I got into a bad wreck and totaled my impala. I hit the wall on the expressway. So right now I am without car but that does not matter to me. I still have my life. God and my angel(my dad) had their arms wrapped around me and I walked with bruises only. Me and mom have gotten closer because of this. When I went to see her to let her know I was okay. She hugged me and I cried like a baby. I was upset,sad and hurt and all that came out. I remember saying to her that I thought I was going to die when I hit the wall. That's was the 1st time in years that I was like that with my mom. And it should not be like that. I really realized that my mom cares about me and my safety. I love her for that.

It made me realize that life can be taken away from you at any moment so you gotta enjoy what you have and love the ones with you.I love you all with all my heart and more.



The Freedom Of It

I'm coming back

History has been made!

Change is Coming...


Yeah, I say what I wanna.

Have you ever felt like you were holding in too much and your body was going to explode? That how my 5'0 130 pound body feels right now. I feel like I can never say whatever I want all the time. I hold somethings in to protect my family and friends feelings. But sometimes I think somethings should be said.

I talked to a friend and I felt like it was neccessary that I told him about how I felt about his situation and all he did was laugh. I don't even think he took what I said seriously. But in reality he should because nobody else will. But I will never force anybody to take my advice. It a take it or leave it situation. Once its out my mouth I no longer care.

I have decided today that whatever is on my mind I will say it. That does not mean I will a asshole about but it means that I won't let it build up inside me. That cause stress and stress can cause health problems. No sir, I don't think so.
