
Yeah, I say what I wanna.

Have you ever felt like you were holding in too much and your body was going to explode? That how my 5'0 130 pound body feels right now. I feel like I can never say whatever I want all the time. I hold somethings in to protect my family and friends feelings. But sometimes I think somethings should be said.

I talked to a friend and I felt like it was neccessary that I told him about how I felt about his situation and all he did was laugh. I don't even think he took what I said seriously. But in reality he should because nobody else will. But I will never force anybody to take my advice. It a take it or leave it situation. Once its out my mouth I no longer care.

I have decided today that whatever is on my mind I will say it. That does not mean I will a asshole about but it means that I won't let it build up inside me. That cause stress and stress can cause health problems. No sir, I don't think so.


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