
21 and Grown? Lesson 1

Lesson 1:I am NOT Superwoman but I am a Super Woman.

I feel like I'm screwing myself. I can't seem to get things on track. Its because I'm trying to do so many things at once. Sitting still for me feels like a punishment. Time spent doing nothing is time wasted in my book. But that has got stop. It's making me go into a frenzy. Im starting to let it take a toll on my mind and body.Im starting to wake up at like 1130 after my class has ended. So now you know how school is going. Its not like I am incapable of doing all of this because I am. Its just everything is coming to a head right now and its becoming overwelming. Basically I have something to prove to myself and others. What that is I'm unsure.Maybe its the fact that I said I want to be retired from working for anyone by the age 30. High Goal? Hell yeah but that's what I want so I guess me pushing my ass at 21 will get me there....

What has to be done?I need to learn how to prioritize things and learn to create some me time. Also I need to learn how to take my ass to sleep at night!


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