
So after 28th I will no longer working two jobs. I'm happy but I'm wondering how things will be without the extra cash...So I got promoted today at my 1st job and a pay raise. Wonderful!

On October 5th 2008, I will be starting my 1st diet. No I won't be starving myself(too lazy for that) but I will be watching what I eat. No more Mickey D unless its fruit or a salad(wait on it).Their fries are fucking addictive. I feel like they are selling me crack! I that's guess why the Mr. calls them "crack fries". Also no Wendys. Seriously their fries are nasty and I am tired of them throwing my damn Baconator together any kind of way. Seriously it does not take that long to make a well together burger. Bitches. Also I will try not to eat after 950pm. Unless Im going out with friends or with the Mr. Or Chris,Flower, Jazs,Brit or I just left the club at 3,4,5,or 6 and we need to sober up.(That includes you too Bee! Bring yo ass!) In addition to my "diet" I will also be working out. Mostly gym work with some dance class thrown in. I.m not trying to lose some serious weight cause I want to perfectly fit into skinny jeans and look good in leggings. Naw I'm doing this for me and because I want to be healthy and tone everything. But that booty ain't going nowhere(You are lucky Mr.). But it will be more toned. Plus I wanna start back running. I guess the Olympics had something to do with it. Gotta get my running skills back up.

Oh yeah Im still smoking but I'm about to quit...sometime soon.

I hear ya calling me Chi. I'm coming.


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