
School is a bust...

I'm dropping my drawing class. I'm not going to be able to complete the class since I missed 2 classes and midterm is next week. So my dear drawing class.....I will see you in the spring. Now I can stop carrying that heavy ass drawing bag.

Make sure you vote on November 4 or if you aren't a lazy ass like me try to vote early before October 31. Be the change you want to see in this world. Don't sit on your ass and expect something to happen. MAKE something happen!
Honestly I don't care about who you vote for just vote people. Its not a black or white thing. Its about who you think will make the most effective changes that benfits EVERYONE.

I feel like im in between a wall and wall. Everything just seems so bland and boring. Nobody is doing anything. No birthdays. No clubbing. Damn chris its all your fault!

Hey Lily Pad(that's you dewayne)!!(We should do some dance comps!!)


the 3rd tWin said...

thats not my name!!

oh + yeah, its on! *cranks up his dance playlist + starts streching...*

Chrissy said...

I am sorry Nik.. but It's almost over